Get ready for an incredible Red and Ready Giving Day at Carthage! This year, we have 36 hours beginning at midnight on March 14, 2024, for alumni and friends from around the globe to unite and help us achieve our goals and unlock a $250,000 challenge gift from the Board of Trustees.

Are you Red and Ready?

Save the Dates! Mark your calendar for March 14 and 15, 2024. Red and Ready Giving Days begin at midnight and end on noon the following day. That's 36 hours to be counted.

Sign up to be a Red and Ready Ambassador to get exclusive access to all things Red and Ready, your free T-Shirt, and a chance to win our first ever Ambassador Challenge!

Use our Social Toolkit to help promote and spread the word about Red and Ready Giving Days.

Naming Rights for the Rest of Us is Back!

Get your name on some of Carthage's most famous spaces and places! This year, we are offering even more unique locations around campus to put your name on.

Naming Rights Plaques will remain on display through the end of the school year.